Introducing LHM
Welcome Friends!
Lighthouse Harbour Ministries’ Mission Statement is: To love and honour God by serving the seafarers of the world in word and deed. Since most of the seafarers that the Ministry serves already have their primary physical needs met on their ships, the Lighthouse is able to concentrate its efforts on sharing the Gospel of Christ with them. At times, however, the Ministry is called upon to provide practical/social assistance to seafarers and we consider our response to be a very important aspect of serving the Lord.
Practical assistance can take a variety of different forms including the provision of transportation (i.e. for shopping), information (directions etc.) and even the visitation of injured seafarers in hospital.
Through our two Seafarers’s Centres in North Vancouver and the Fraser Surrey Docks, we are able to reach out to the visiting seafarers with love, compassion and friendship. Our staff and volunteers provide assistance, literature and recreational activities.
We are pleased to have the opportunity that the internet provides to communicate our mission to the community of Vancouver and our faithful supporters. In addition, this website will serve as a ‘beacon of light’ to all seafarers as they travel the globe.
Thank you for visiting our website! We encourage you to come visit our outreach centres and consider how you can help minister to seafarers.
In His service,
Teus Kappers
Chaplain Emeritus
Please feel free to contact me at any time.
[email protected]
(604) 988-5084